Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Parev Vanilla Ice Cream

My friend Elisheva in Ramat Beit Shemesh always had the best desserts. When we ate by her, I secretly waited the whole meal for her elegant yet simple dessert spread. Well that's not completely true...I enjoyed the first course and main course very much too! 

One thing that I learned from my friend Elisheva is that practicality is KEY. Sometimes it's not about having different exciting desserts- it's about having the same dessert that just works every time. And every time we went it was the same basic template of cake, ice cream, and fruit. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD! 

Here is how she served it. She placed a nice rounded scoop on everyone's place and then allowed them to compliment their ice cream with the assortment of cake and fruit on the table. And for the children, she sometimes put the ice cream in a cone with sprinkles. They loved that of course. 

I was raised by a mother who very much was against raw eggs and I was too. But living in Israel taught me to live a bit on the edge- Ha! Seriously. In more areas than one! But literally, it took about 2 and half years until I was ready to ask for the recipe! Now that I have it though, I am very grateful.

Parev Vanilla Ice Cream:  

Yeilds: 8-10 Servings
Preperation: 25 minutes 

1 big container whip, around 450 ml
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Beat whip until stiff and then add in the rest of the ingredients 

Optional: Swirl in a few spoonfuls of Lotus Spread. 

Place in freezer and serve when ready! 

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