Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pesach is coming...

Ok, let’s talk pesach. There are approximately 21 days until the big day arrives, where our homes need to be completely sterile of all crumbs, stickiness, cherrios, or anything that means dirty. This is hard to digest now, while my toddler parades through the house with all his meals. I tell my 3-year-old that she’s helping me clean by eating in the kitchen, and this satisfies her!

I was talking with my sister in-law and she requested that I post some recipes for pesach. I decided that I might as well begin with the basics of pesach that we all look forward to. The pesach specials that don’t really require a recipe. The one’s that everyone could participate in making.

-        Matza and cream cheese
-        Matza pizza
-        Scrambled eggs
-        Matza and coffee
-        Shnitzel (dipped in egg and matza meal)
-        Please comment with more because my mind is drawing a blank!

Here are some recipes on this blog that are pesachdik. Please note, that you may need to make sure your ingredients indicates that they are kosher la’Pesach.

-        Flounder roll-up
-        Yapchick
-        Meatballs
-        Applesauce

Remember keep calm and pesach-clean on! No promises with my bad record, but hopefully some yummy kosher la’pesach recipes to come….